Can natural remedies help treat chronic fatigue syndrome? The answer is “Yes”.

Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is severe, continued tiredness that is not relieved by rest. The symptoms include depression, weakness, headaches, muscle pain, having no energy, etc. CFS is not directly caused by other medical conditions.

While mainstream medical science has no effective solution to treat this disorder, traditional medical systems, such as traditional Chinese medicine and Ayurvedic diet may help improving the symptoms and cure the problem.

For thousands of years, traditional Chinese medicine has developed hundreds of classic formulas, such as Bu Zhong Yi Qi Wan, Shi Quan Da Bu Wan, Si Wu Tang, etc., for treating Chronic fatigue syndrome. Many herbs, such as ginseng, dang gui, huang qi, bai zhu, velvet antler, etc., are used for tonifying and stimulating the functions of the body.

Ayurveda has developed an unique dietary system. Ayurveda suggests that, to restore the balance of the body, or keep the health condition, one should select a diet according to a person’s dosha and season. For example, while almost every Western doctor is talking about eat as less oily and sweat foods as possible, Ayurveda suggests that, for a person with vata dosha, oily and sweat foods can help his health. But for a person with Kapha dosha, Ayurveda suggests that, the favor foods for the person are light, dry, or warm.

These days, there are too many pseudo health professionals who use universal health advices to fool everyone. Do you suffer from headache? menstrual pain? caner? obesity? high blood pressure? heart disease? no matter what disease you have, they all give you the same “professional advice” – “Eat more vegetables! Do more exercise! Drink more water!”

If you are suffering from Chronic fatigue syndrome, try to find a good and real traditional medicine doctor, don’t be fooled by those so-called health advisers. There is no such universal solution that they are talking about all the time and providing to everyone.

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