Natural Remedies can help enhance sleep. How to choose diet and herbs to treat insomnia? You need to consider your health conditions. There could be many factors that cause insomnia – the sleep problem.

1. Dryness, blood and fluid deficiency. The person usually has symptoms, such as dry skin, dry hair, constipation, nervous, anxiety, restless, and insomnia. If this is the case, the best treatment is to use moisturizing, sweet and oily foods and herbs, such as honey, sugar, milk, ghee, dates, strawberries, pears, banana, etc. to nourish the body, increase moisture and fluids.

2. Excessive heat. The person usually has “fire” symptoms, such as red eyes, ulcers, boils, inflammation, nose bleeds, sweating, easy to be angry, and insomnia. To treat the sleep problem caused by internal excessive heat, you should use cooling foods and herbs, such as watermelon, bitter melon, tofu, seaweed, celery, tomato, egg, honey, banana, pears. You may also eat some sour foods, such as apple, vinegar, cherry, lemon, and bitter foods and herbs, because sour foods and bitter foods usually have properties to reduce internal heat.

3. Weakness and coldness. The person usually feel cold and weak, thus cannot sleep in the night. To treat this, the best cure is to eat spicy foods, drink some warm wine, have a warm foot bath before going to bed. Ginger, chili pepper, black pepper, cinnamon, garlic all are warming spices that can help stimulate and warm the body. For a long term treatment, you may add chicken soup, mutton soup, beef, ghee, milk, brown sugar to your diet, and take warming and stimulating herbs, such as ginseng, huang qi, dang gui, etc.

The best way to treat insomnia is to choose your foods and herbs that can help balance health conditions of your body. If it is dry, increase moisture; if it is hot, cool it down; if it is weak and cold, stimulate and warm it up. That’s it!

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