Struggling with acne? Tried every solution with no success? Well, maybe you need to change your eating habit. Healthy eating can help cure acne and clear your skin.

The cause of acne is toxins plugging up your kidneys, livers and bowels. Your body cannot eliminate these toxins by itself, so it breaks its way through your skin.

Keep in mind that a food that is good for some people, or for most other people, but may not be good for you, or may not be good for your skin’s health. If you eat something that cannot be digested properly by your body, or that you might have an intolerance to, then this can affect your skin and cause acne. If you wonder if a food may cause your skin problem, try to stop it for a few weeks, and see what is the results.

The following advices may help you in acne treatment:

1. Stop or reduce drinking milk. Believe it or not, milk is not good to everyone. For some people, milk causes acne. According to Scientific studies reported in the American Journal of Dermatology, there is a link between drinking milk and acne. NaturalNews reported about a study that found those who drank two or three glasses of milk a day had 44% higher chance of developing severe acne.

2. Eat non-fat or low-fat dairy products. Cut back on saturated fats (whole milk, cheese, butter, and red meat). The type of fats in the diet are a key factor for acne control. Eliminate partially hydrogenated fats from the diet, because partially hydrogenated fats are even worse – they replace unsaturated fats in cells. Use olive oil for cooking and on salads.

3. Avoid fried foods. Eliminate partially hydrogenated fats. Cut out greasy foods. Avoid packaged snack foods, chips, crackers, and cookies that contain saturated fats and partially hydrogenated fats.

4. Cut out spicy foods. Spicy foods, like garlic, ginger, chili peppers and coffee increase heat in the body, and promote inflammation.

5. Eat more fresh fruits, vegetables, and salads. Try to eat cucumbers and carrots and sprouts and potatoes for a few days. Change your diet, eat more fruit and veggies. The vitamins contained in these foods can have a significant beneficial effect on acne. Carrots, sweet potatoes, apricots, and green leafy vegetables, spinach, kale, and romaine lettuce are high in vitamin A and beta-carotene which are especially good nutritional sources for acne treatment.

6. Drink more water to flush out toxins and transport nutrients.

7. Cut back on any foods containing large amounts of sugar.

You may also consider to take some nutritional supplements. The following supplements are commonly used for acne and skin care:

Vitamin A. Vitamin A is necessary for the maintenance of healthy skin and hormonal balance. Vitamin A improves skin quality and speeds up skin healing. Scientific research has confirmed that people with severe acne typically have low levels of vitamin A in their blood.

Zinc. Zinc is one of the most important minerals in the body for producing healthy skin. Zinc speeds up the healing of skin tissue and minimizes scarring. Zinc had many beneficial functions such as its involvement in the production of energy, enhancing the immune system, inhibiting the development of blindness, being part of enzymes that help the digestive process, fighting bacteria, and regulating insulin, growth hormone, testosterone, and estrogen. It also prevents inflammation and infection.

Copper. Copper as a nutritional element is often included in Zinc supplements because zinc has a tendency to lower copper levels, so having the extra copper will help make sure you will no have any type of deficiency.

Omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids strengthen the cell membranes to help them better absorb nutrients. They also prevent bacterial infection and inflammation.

Acidophilus. Acidophilus is an intestinal bacterium, which is found in milk products like yogurt. Researches have shown that people who consume yogurt are less prone to acne.

Digestive enzymes. Digestive enzymes break nutrients into smaller molecules that your body can absorb. They help break down fats, proteins, and carbohydrates. This helps minimize skin oiliness.

Please note: Any articles on this website are only for informational and research purposes. You should first consult your physician before taking any natural remedies, health supplements, herbal medicines, food therapies or alternative cures discussed here for your health treatment. [More about Terms of Use ...]
