Ayurveda is also known as Ayurvedic medicine. It is the traditional medicine originated in India and has been used over 5,000 years. “Ayurveda” comprises of two words, “Ayu” and “Veda”. “Ayu” means life and “Veda” means science. So the meaning of “Ayurveda” is “the science of life”.

In the West, Ayurveda is considered a form of alternative medicine. It has been growing in popularity in North America and Europe in the last two decades.

According to Ayurveda, the Universe, including the human body, is composed of five elements:


These five elements combine to form the three principles (doshas):

Air & Space: Vata (“wind”);
Fire & Water: Pitta (“bile”);
Water & Earth: Kapha (“phlegm”).

These three regulatory principles – doshas are important for health. When they are in a good balanced state, the body will be in its good health condition, and when whey are imbalanced, the body will be in an unhealthy condition. Each human possesses a unique combination of doshas.

So the medical treatment of Ayurveda is to find a way to restore dosha balance based on an individual’s particular health condition and his unique combination of doshas.

Next: Traditional Medical System – Ayurveda: Body Types, Seasons and Dosha Balance

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