Vadhamana Pippali is a Vardhamana Karma. This is an Ayurvedic therapy that is used to treat chronic respiratory ailments, anemia, recurrent fevers, piles and digestive problems.

Karma, in Buddhist teaching, means “for every event that occurs, there will follow another event whose existence was caused by the first, and this second event will be pleasant or unpleasant according as its cause was skillful or unskillful.”

What is Vadhamana Karma?

Vardhamana karma, as an Ayurvedic therapy, is a method: a medicine is taken in a gradual increasing dosage until a specified quantity in specified number of days is achieved. Later the dosage is gradually decreased until the starting dose is reached on the final day.

Vardhamana pippali is using pippali as a medicine to do Vardhamana karma. It is explained in the 3rd pada or Karaprachitiya Rasayana padam of the first chapter of Chikitsa Stana of Charaka Samhita. In ancient texts, the daily increased (or decreased) doses might be different, from 1 pippali to 10 pippali. But for safety, it is recommended to try the least dose.

How Vadhamana Karma works? Why Vadhamana Karma works? This therapy is based on the thought that when applying a medicine to treat a disease, the purpose of the treatment is not only to restore the healthy condition at once, but maintain this condition without continuing using the medicine. It is often to see that the healthy condition of a patient cannot be maintained once stopped taking the medicine. Vardhamana karma gradually, gently (or stealthily) decreases the quantity of the medicine. It is trying to let the body maintain the healthy condition after the treatment without “knowing” that the medicine is gradually and “stealthily” decreased to near zero.

Then why Vardhamana karma gradually increases the dose of the medicine? Well, it is to see what is the best and most effective dose for treating the disease or for the specific individual.

How to Do Vadhamana Karma with Pippali?

Here is the method of how to do Vadhamana Karma with pippali:

– In first 10 days, the doses of pippali are increased gradually: take 3 pippalis on the first day, and during the following 10 successive days, the dose is increased by 1 pippali everyday.

– After 10 days, the dose is gradually decreased by 1 pippali daily until reaching 3 pippalis on the final day.

– Pippalis are boiled with milk and water for 3-5 minutes, then drink it after cooled.

– During the course, only milk is consumed as a diet.

– The dose of pippali at the beginning, the daily increased (or decreased) doses, and the total days of the therapy, can be adjusted according to the condition, age and reaction of the individuals.

– Stop the treatment or reduce the dose immediately if any allergic reaction or side effect appears.

This therapy is said to be effective in treating chronic respiratory ailments, anemia, recurrent fevers, piles and digestive problems.

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