Lavender oil can be used to treat insomnia, anxiety and stress. Lavender oil has calming and relaxing properties, which make it as a great natural remedy for relieving anxiety, stress, insomnia, and similar disorders.

What is lavender essential oil

Lavender essential oil is extracted by distillation from the flowers of the lavender plant. Lavender flowers are fragrant. Lavender oil has long been used in the production of perfume for centuries. The oil is often used in aromatherapy.Lavender oil

The exact composition of lavender essential oil consists primarily of monoterpeneoids and sesquiterpeneoids. Lavender oil typically contains many more than 100 compounds, but the main compounds in all lavender volatile oils are as follows:

– linalool (20.60%-35.99%);
– linalyl acetate (12.58%-19.65%);
– lavandulyl acetate (3.74%-10.48%);
– t-p3-ocimene (1.26%-9.23%);
– a-terpineol (3.67%-6.73%);
– nerol (0.81%-3.32%);
– neryl acetate (0.95%-3.64%);
– beta-caryophyllene (0.93%-2.43%).

Linalool is found in many flowers, such as lavender and coriander. Linalool is well known to reduce stress. Many studies suggested that linalool has anxiolytic (anti-stress) effects. Inhalation of Linalool, extracted from lavender essential oils, can decrease aggressive behavior, lessen stress response, and treat insomnia and anxiety.

How to use lavender oil for insomnia, anxiety and stress?

Here are three methods:

1. Lavender Vapor

– Put 1 drop of lavender oil on your finger
– Rub it directly to your philtrum – the area between the upper lip and nose
– Take deep breaths

Please note, if your skin is sensitive, you may put 1-2 drops of water on your finger, then add 1 drop of lavender oil on it. So you have the diluted oil. Then rub it onto your philtrum. Or you may put 3-4 drops of lavender oil to a cotton ball or tissue, put it close to your nose, and take deep breaths.

2. Lavender Massage

– Put a few drops of lavender oil on your finger (if your skin is sensitive, then dilute it with water)
– Rub it on your temples and forehead

3. Lavender Bath

– Add 5-10 drops of lavender oil to your warm bath water
– Relax in the tub and close your eyes
– Enjoy the calming scent of lavender

For more information about natural remedies and alternative cures for insomnia, go to Natural Remedies Center:

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