Zuo Jin Wan (Left Metal Pill, 左金丸) is a Chinese classic herbal formula that has been used for centuries to treat vomiting, heartburn, GERD, acid reflux, gastritis, peptic ulcers, epigastric distension and chest pain caused by liver heat.

According to traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), when the liver qi is stagnated, it causes liver fire, which invades into stomach and chest. This uprising qi driven by liver fire can cause many symptoms, such as vomiting, heartburn, GERD, acid reflux, gastritis, epigastric distension or pain, chest and rib side pains, a bitter taste in the mouth, a red tongue with a yellow coating and a wiry, rapid pulse.

To treat the above symptoms, TCM combines two herbs: the bitter taste herb Huang Lian to clear liver fire, and the downwarding herb Wu Zhu Yu to redirect (push back) the uprising qi down out of stomach and chest.zuo-jin-wan-for-liver-heat

Zuo Jin Wan is made up of two herbs:

– Huang Lian (Rhizoma Coptidis, Coptis Rhizome) 18g
– Wu Zhu Yu (Fructus Evodiae Rutaecarpae, Evodia Fruit) 3g

Zuo Jin Wan is sold in form of pills in Chinese herbal medicine stores.

Please note, vomiting, heartburn and other symptoms mentioned above can be caused by other diseases or disorders. Zuo Jin Wan should be only used for treating the symptoms caused by liver fire. You should consult your doctor, or visit a TCM doctor before taking this herbal medicine.

For more information about natural remedies for liver disease, go to Natural Remedies Center: http://www.naturalremediescenter.com/treat/liver-disease/

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