Tag: Urinary Tract Infection

Gotu Kola for Infection & wounds – Herbal Formulas

Gotu Kola (Centella asiatica) is used in traditional Chinese medicine and Ayurvedic medicine for centuries for urinary tract infection (UTI), jaundice, bleeding, wounds, bruises, skin boils and other diseases. Gotu Kola is a small annual herb in the family Mackinlayaceae.…

Goldenrod for Kidney & Bladder Stones and Infection

Goldenrod is used for treating kidney stone, bladder stones, nephritis, cystitis and urinary tract infection. Goldenrod (Golden rod, Solidago, Solidago canadensis, Solidago virgaurea) is a genus of flowering perennials in the family Asteraceae. Its golden yellow flower heads bloom in…

Cranberry for Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) and E. coli

Cranberry can help prevent and treat urinary tract infection (UTI) and E. coli. Long before researchers started investigating, people believe that cranberries and cranberry juice have the ability to help prevent and treat urinary tract infections (UTIs). Recently, scientists found…
