
Remedies » Children

Egg Yolk Oil for Gastric Ulcer, Chronic Gastritis, Children Indigestion, Pediatric Diarrhea and Whooping Cough

Egg yolk oil is a Chinese folk remedy. It is said to help treat gastric ulcer, chronic gastritis, children's indigestion, pediatric diarrhea and whooping cough. Egg yolk oil is an oil from chicken egg yolks. To learn how to make egg yolk oil, you can go to this page: How to Make Egg Yolk Oil Egg yolk oil can be used to treat burns, skin... [ Read More ]

Herbal Remedies for Rectal Prolapse in Children and Seniors

Rectal prolapse in children and seniors can be treated by using herbal remedies. At least this is a smarter choice: before taking a big risk of surgery, why not trying something that is less dangerous? Rectal prolapse is a medical condition in which the rectum (the... [ Read More ]

5 Remedies for Children with Whooping Cough - Pertussis

Whooping Cough (Pertussis) in children may be treated by using herbal remedies - turmeric, aniseed, radish, fenugreek and ginger. These remedies can relieve the symptoms of the cough. Here are how to use them: 1. Turmeric. Take 3 grams of turmeric powder, along with milk, two... [ Read More ]

6 Home Remedies for Whooping Cough (Pertussis) in Children

Children's children. It is a highly contagious bacterial disease caused by Bordetella pertussis. The coughing stage lasts for several weeks (6-15 weeks). So this disease is also called "the 100 days' cough" in some countries. You should call the doctor if you... [ Read More ]

5 Home Remedies for Middle Ear Infection (Otitis Media) in Children

Middle ear infection (otitis media) is an infection of the inner ear canal. It is most common in infants and young children, usually as a complication from upper respiratory infections, such as a common cold, flu, sinusitis, or sore throat. The symptoms of middle ear infection include: ear pain, itch and fever. Infants will have the symptoms: irritability,... [ Read More ]

Three Home Remedies for Children with Constipation

Orange Juice, banana and honey are effective remedies that can be used for children to treat constipation. If your child has constipation, you should do the following: 1. Make sure that the child is not suffering from any kind of illness as a disease could be the cause of constipation. If this is the case, the first... [ Read More ]

Five Remedies for Children with Cold, Flu & Cough

Children are easy to get cold, flu or cough compared to the adults, especially when the weather changes. How to relieve the symptoms, and get kids comfortable? Here are some widely known home remedies - Chicken, Ginger, Garlic, Almond &... [ Read More ]

Diet Control Helps Children with ADD / ADHD

Many children and adults who have taken medications, like Ritalin (methylphenidate), for ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) or ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) have drug addiction problems. The side effects of those medications, also include... [ Read More ]

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