Fresh olive fruit and radish can be used to treat sore throat. This is a traditional Chinese herbal formula named Qing Long Bai Hu Tang (青龙白虎汤).

According to traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), olive fruit cleanses heat from the lung, relieves sore throat, and promotes the production of body fluids. It is often used for treating swollen and sore throat, excessive thirst, cough, and hematemesis due to inflammation, epilepsy, puffer poisoning, alcoholism, etc.

Radish (Daikon), according to TCM, is cool, pungent and sweet. It removes stagnant food, cleanses lungs, resolves mucus, relives thirst and alcohol intoxication. It is often used to treat bronchitis, sore throat, cough, excess of mucus, alcohol intoxication, food retention, etc.olive-and-radish

Both olive fruit and radish have heat-cleansing and downwarding properties. They drive the uprising Qi downward out of lungs and upper body, cool and cleanse excessive heat in lungs, throat and stomach.

Here is the formula:

– Fresh Olive fruit 15g
– Fresh radish 250g
– Water 2 cups
– Cut olive fruit and radish into pieces
Make a decoction
– Drink it, twice a day

For more information about natural remedies for sore throat, go to Natural Remedies Center:

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