Chronic eczema can be treated by traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). According to TCM, acute eczema is usually caused by “Damp Heat”, and the treatment is typically using bitter and cooling herbs to cleanse heat and dry up dampness. But chronic eczema is more complicated than acute eczema.

There are four patterns of chronic eczema according to TCM:

1. Damp Heat Pattern. The eczema is caused by internal damp heat. The treatment is using bitter and cooling herbs. A TCM doctor may modify the classic formula 龙胆泻肝汤, and use it to treat the disease.

2. Blood Heat Pattern. The eczema is caused by excessive blood heat. The treatment is using cooling herbs to cleanse and cool down heat and blood. The following is a sample of the formulas: chinese-medicine-for-chronic-eczema

– Fresh Rehmannia (鲜生地) 30g
– Peony bark (丹皮) 10g
– Red peony root (赤芍) 10g
– Imperata cylindrica (白茅根) 30g
– Coptis chinensis (黄连) 6g
– Jasmine (栀子) 10g
– Fructus kochiae (地肤子) 10g
– Rubia cordifolia (茜草) 15g
– Sophora flavescens (苦参) 10g
– Pittosporum tobira bark (海桐皮) 15g
– Licorice (甘草) 10g
– Plantain (车前草) 10g

3. Damp Obstruction Pattern. The eczema is caused by internal damp obstruction. The treatment is using herbs that have properties to stimulate spleen and dry up dampness. A TCM doctor may modify the classic formula 除湿胃苓汤, and use it to treat the disease.

4. Blood Dryness Pattern. The eczema is caused by blood dryness. The treatment is using herbs that have moisturizing and blood-generating properties. A TCM doctor may modify the classic formula 消风散, and use it to treat the disease.

For more information about natural remedies for eczema, go to Natural Remedies Center:

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