Category: Home Remedies

What Cause Children Allergy Symptoms

Millions of Children have allergies. Why allergies occur? An allergic reaction occurs when the body’s immune system senses an “invader,” or allergen, and attacks it. Allergies can be triggered by food, medicine, pets, plants, and other things. For example, milk,…

Indian Home Remedies for Headaches

According to traditional Indian medical system – Ayurveda, there are many home remedies that can be used to treat headaches, including herbs, therapies and Diet. In Ayurveda, headaches can be caused by different doshas, therefore there are three types of…

Eczema Home remedies and Natural Cures

Eczema is a skin disease. It is a skin inflammation usually caused by an allergic reaction, which relates to the immune system and environment, but it may also relate to foods. Change Your Diet: Eczema Treatment – Healthy Diet and…
