In Ayurveda, headache can be caused by different doshas. Vata headache is one type of headache which can be treated by applying haritaki, sarpagandha, shirobasti therapy and the Ayurvedic diet.

How to know if my headache is vata headache?

Vata headache is intermittent pain, like a hammering type. If you suffer from throbbing, pulsating headaches that are aggravated by high altitude, the pain get worse when you move your body, and get relief when you rest, then it is likely vata headache.

And vata headaches are frequently accompanied by dehydration. It could be associated with constipation, insomnia, depression, etc. These pains are increased with mental tensions. According to Ayurveda, these headaches are caused by constipation and an accumulation of toxins in the colon.

Four Ayurvedic Remedies or Vata Headache

How to treat vata headache? Here are four Ayurvedic remedies:

1. Haritaki for vata headache

– Take haritaki powder 3-6 grams
– Consume it with a cup of warm water or milk
– Twice a day

Haritaki has the property to digest the undigested Malas (Removable wastes of gastric system) and expel them out of the body through anus.

2. Sarpagandha for vata headache

– Take sarpagandha powder 3 grams
– Consume it with a cup of warm water or milk
– Twice a day

Sarpagandha is bitter, hot, tranquilizing, and anti-hypertensive. It relieves hypertension, headache, insomnia and constipation.

2. Shirobasti therapy for vata headache

Shirobasti is a specific Ayurvedic treatment for deeper mental conditions such as depression, insomnia, headache. In the treatment, a special leather cap is placed around the patient’s head and filled with warm medicated oil for about 60 minutes, followed by a marma point head massage. Shirobasti therapy can be used for vata headache.

3. Ayurvedic Diet for vata headache

You can eat the following foods to treat the headache:

– Eat sweet and mild taste foods.
– Drink warm milk with sugar.
– Eat vegetables cooked with ghee or olive oil.
– Eat bananas.
– Eat the soaked nuts and seeds (walnuts, almonds, pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds).

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