Areca Catechu Leaves (Paan leaves, Betel Leaves) are used in Ayurveda for treating headache, migraine, digestive disorders, cold and cough. The leaves are said to be stimulant, digestive, carminative, anti flatulent, anti phlegmatic, and pain reliever.

1. To cure stomach ailments, flatulence, indigestion, diarrhea and constipation:

– Fresh betel leaves 60g
– Boil and simmer them in 1 cup of water for 15 minutes
– Drink the decoction twice a dayareca-catechu-leaves

2. To relieve headache, migraine and fever:

– Extract juice from fresh betel leaves
– Rub the juice on the temples
– Apply 1-2 drops of juice into the nostrils

3. To treat cold and cough:

– Fresh betel leaves 60g
– Clove 1g
– Eat the leaves with clove
– Or mix betel leaf juice, clove powder and sesame oil, and rub to the temples and the chest

For more information about home remedies for headache, go to Natural Remedies Center:

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