How to treat cough and cold with a homemade remedy? You can make a cayenne pepper vinegar syrup for the treatment. Here is a DIY recipe:


– Cayenne pepper powder 1-2 teaspoons (according to the taste, if too hot, reduce the amount)
– Honey (or sugar) 4 tablespoonscayenne-pepper-vinegar-syrup
– Vinegar (apple cider vinegar or rice vinegar) 1/2 cup
– Water 1/4 cup


– Put cayenne pepper and water in a small pan or pot
– Bring to a boil and then simmer for 3 minutes
– Add vinegar and honey, bring to a boil again, simmer for 1-2 minutes, stirring to mix them well
– Turn off the head and let it to cool
– Store it in a jar
– Take 1 tablespoon, twice a day or when needed

Please note, if your cough is not caused by a cold, do not use this remedy.

For more information about natural remedies for coughs, go to Natural Remedies Center:

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