Millions of women suffer from irregular menstruation and painful periods. Most of their doctors do not know how to treat these health problems. All they can do is giving the patients some kind of pain killers.

Women with irregular menstrual cycles and heavy periods may be treated by using myrrh. Myrrh is beneficial for curing irregular and excruciating menstruation. Myrrh promotes menstrual flow and is recommended when menstruation is accompanied by a heavy sensation in the pelvis. Myrrh invigorates the blood, dispels blood stasis, menstrual block and relieves pain.

Myrrh and frankincense are commonly used for menstrual irregularities in traditional Chinese Medicine. Myrrh is considered a “blood mover.” It alleviates menstrual cramps. People use frankincense and myrrh to stop painful menstrual cramps.

Western medicine research found that these two herbs regulate liver blood and menstrual function. Stagnate liver blood causes painful periods. Today in the West, many doctors use myrrh for promoting menstruation. Myrrh is used by physicians as an emmenagogue to invigorate menstrual flow in cases of delayed menstrual cycles or insufficient menstruation.

Please note: If you are pregnant, have diabetes or uterine bleeding, you should avoid use of myrrh.

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