If you suffer from kidney stones or renal infections with urinary problems, you may want to try natural remedies. The following herbal remedies may help improve your symptoms and relieve the pains:

1. Plantain tea. Plantain is a strong diuretic for prostatitis, cloudy and bloody urine and kidney stones. It can increase urine output.

2. Dandelion tea. Dandelion is one of the strongest natural antibiotic and diuretic herbs. Dandelion can cool down the body, reduce inflammation. In combination with plantain, it can be very strong diuretic medicine for kidney stones and urinary problems.

3. Mung bean. Green Mung bean possesses detoxicant, heat dispersing, diuretic, and hypolipemic properties. In Asian countries, people use mung bean soup as summer food, and use it to prevent heatstroke, high fevers, depressed thirst, food and drug poisoning. With cooling and diuretic properties, it can be used to help relieve renal infections with urinary problems.

4. Corn silk. Fresh corn silk is a natural diuretic which herbalists frequently use in treatments for kidney stones and infections of the urinary tract. In combination with other herbs, it can treat inflammation of the urethra and urinary bladder.

5. Watermelon. Watermelon is a great food for summer to prevent heatstroke, high fevers, and depressed thirst. It is a natural and safe diuretic which can be used with beneficial result in kidney stones.

6. Green tea. Green tea also is a natural diuretic food. It may help reduce the occurrence of kidney stones if you can drink a few cups everyday.

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