Euryale Ferox and Rosa Laevigata are used in traditional Chinese medicine for treating premature ejaculation, nocturnal emission, enuresis and leukorrhea in men and women.

Euryale ferox (Makhana, Qian Shi, 芡实) and Rosa laevigata (Cherokee Rose, Jin Ying Zi, 金樱子) are two Chinese herbs that can be used for treating problems of “leaking” (loss of control of fluids and stool), such as premature ejaculation, nocturnal emission, enuresis, leukorrhea (leucorrhoea, white vaginal discharge), chronic diarrhea/dysentery, rectal prolapse, uterine prolapse and uterine bleeding in men, women, children and elderlies.

Euryale ferox is an annual plant native to eastern Asia. Its edible seeds are used in traditional Chinese medicine for thousands of years. It is astringent and can be used for treatment of urinary frequency, urinary incontinence, chronic diarrhea, chronic dysentery, nocturnal emission, and excessive vaginal discharge.

Rosa laevigata is a white, fragrant rose native to southern China. It is sweet, sour and astringent. It has effective to reduce urinary, cure premature ejaculation, nocturnal emission, and enuresis.

According to traditional Chinese medicine, An astringent herb tends to shrink or constrict body tissues. So it is effective in stopping fluids, blood, urine, semen, vaginal discharge and stool from “leaking”.

Both of Euryale Ferox and Rosa Laevigata are astringent and can strengthen the controls of urine, semen, vaginal discharge and stool, and stop “leaking” and “falling” (loss of control).

How to use these two herbs? Here is a formula:

– Rosa laevigata 12g
– Euryale ferox 15g
– Water 2 cups
– Boil for 15 minutes
– Drink it, twice a day

Or you can ground the two herbs into a powder, and take it with warm water, twice a day.

Please note, if you have constipation, or difficulty passing urine, you should not use Euryale Ferox and Rosa Laevigata, because these two herbs have astringent properties that shrink or constrict the tissues and worsen the conditions.

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