E.coli can be prevented and treated by using garlic, purslane and berberine.

E.coli (Escherichia coli) are a group of bacteria that live in the intestines of animals or humans. Symptoms of E. coli infections often include severe stomach cramps, diarrhea (often bloody) and vomiting. Some patients may have severe blood and kidney problems.

How to prevent and treat E. Coli

1. Wash your hands before eating

E.coli spread via food or water. So the simplest thing to make a difference is to always wash your hands before you eat. Also, keep your hands away from food. Use a clean folk, spoon or chopsticks instead of your fingers when eating something.

2. Cook your food properly

Also, you should make sure food is cooked properly. All vegetables should be boiled, because the bacteria is destroyed by heat. Make sure the cutting board and knife are clean. Peel the skin of fruits before eating them.

3. Use home and herbal remedies

You can use garlic, purslane and berberine to prevent and treat E. Coli.

Home and Herbal Remedies for E. Coli

Recipe 1: Garlic for E. Coli

Garlic can provide protection against the deadly pathogen E. coli O157:H7 in food products.

– When cooking your food
– Add fresh garlic or garlic powder to it
– Consume it daily

Recipe 2: Purslane for E. Coli

Purslane is a common weed and you may find it in your backyard. Here is the recipe:

– A handful of fresh purslane
– 1 cup of water
– Boil and simmer for 5-10 minutes to make a decoction
– Drink it as a tea, twice a day
– This decoction will prevent E. Coli

Recipe 3: Berberine for E. Coli

Berberine has been used for thousands of years in Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine. Berberine has ability to counteract diarrhea and combat Escherichia Coli (e Coli).

Coptis is a herb that contains the primary alkaloid – berberine. Traditionally, Coptis is used to treat dysentery, gastrointestinal diseases and preventing intestinal injury.

Here is a recipe of how to use coptis for E. Coli:

– Dried coptis 2-5 grams
– Water 1 cup
– Boil and simmer for 10 minutes
– Drink it, twice daily

You may find berberine sold in tablet form as a herbal supplement in the market. Follow the instructions of the product when using it.

Please note: Any articles on this website are only for informational and research purposes. You should first consult your physician before taking any natural remedies, health supplements, herbal medicines, food therapies or alternative cures discussed here for your health treatment. [More about Terms of Use ...]
