Onion can be used to prevent and treat heatstroke (hyperthermia) and heat exhaustion in summer time.

To prevent summer heat and heat stroke:

– Simply include onion in your summer diet, and eat it in some salad. It will protect you from summer heat and heat stroke.onion-heatstroke

– Cut an onion into pieces and roast in an open pan, then add in 1/3 teaspoon cumin powder and 1 teaspoon sugar. Eat this mixture. It will protect you from hyperthermia and heat exhaustion in summer season.

To treat heat stroke and heat exhaustion:

– Cut an onion into pieces, and squeeze it through a cloth to extract the juice. Apply the juice on the chest and on the regions behind the ears. This is said to relieve heat stroke and heat exhaustion.

– Eat half a raw onion with some cumin powder and sugar.

For more information about home remedies, go to Natural Remedies Center: http://www.naturalremediescenter.com/home-remedies/

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