There are many traditional and home remedies that are used to treat common cold. Most of them can be categorized into warming therapy.

What is warming therapy and why it works

Warming therapy uses a warming herb, or food, or other methods to increase body’s temperature, stimulate blood circle, improve oxygen supply to organs, and to help fight against the cold virus.

Why a warming therapy works for common cold? A simple fact is that, people rarely suffer from common cold in a hot season. in hot weather, the cold virus hardly survives. And as the same, in a warm body, the cold virus hardly lives as well. So if you don’t want to catch the cold or flu, keeping your body warm is the simplest way that you should take.Warming therapy

Six warming therapies for common cold

The following are six warming therapies that are used for common cold treatment:

1. Ginger tea. Make a ginger decoction, then drink it. Ginger is a well known warming herb.

2. Hot spicy food. Eat a hot spicy food.

3. Whiskey. Drink some warm whiskey.

4. Tamagozake. Tamagozake is made of egg and sake (Japanese alcoholic beverage). Drink it warm.

5. Wear thick clothes, or sleep with a thick blanket, to make sweating.

6. Use hair dryer to blow warm air to the temples, nose and neck. Take deep breaths of the warm air.

For more information about natural remedies and alternative cures for cold, go to Natural Remedies Center:

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