Ashwagandha and Shilajit are two Ayurvedic remedies that are said to increase sex drive (libido).

Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera, Indian ginseng) is a well known Ayurvedic tonic that has been found to be an excellent antioxidant. It boosts the immune system and has anti-aging activities, can decrease stress, anxiety, improve memory and mental activity.

Ayurveda believes that ashwagandha has great effects on reproductive system. It is the best Vajikara dravya (aphrodisiac) for increasing libido, shukra dhatu, sperm count and sperm motility. The following is a remedy using ashwagandha for increasing libido:ayurvedic-sex-drive-remedies

– Ashwagandha powder 2 teaspoons
– Ghee 1 teaspoon
– Milk 1 cup
– Sugar 2 teaspoons
– Bring to a boil and simmer for 10 minutes
– Drink it lukewarm
– Once a day

Does ashwagandha really have direct effects to increasing libido? More research may be needed. However, at least we can consider ashwagandha as a general tonic that has effects on general health: It strengthens the body, stimulates the immune system and increases body energy level. So even if this herb has no direct effects to increase sex drive, it may indirectly improve sexual weakness after the body gained energy and gets back to the normal health condition.

Shilajit is well known in India as a tonic for male impotence and premature ejaculation. Shilajit is a mineral, a thick, sticky tar-like substance, mainly found in the Altai, Himalaya and Caucasus mountains of Central Asia. Shilajit may have different color, from a yellowish brown to pitch-black. In Ayurvedic medicine, the black one is considered the most potent.

Shilajit literally means “conqueror of mountains and destroyer of all weakness”. It is said to strengthen the body’s glandular system, vital organs, and muscles, promote a healthy metabolism, energy and mood. Shilajit is usually combined with other herbs when using for a treatment. Here is how to use it for increasing sex drive:

– Shilajit powder: 1/2 gram
– Milk 1 cup
– Twice a day
– High dose: 1-2 oz a day

Please note, there are some harmful toxins to be found in shilajit in its raw form. So it is recommended to only consume shilajit in combination with other herbs or only consume the purified shilajit that the unsafe toxins are removed.

You should never take a remedy without an approval from a qualified doctor.

For more information about natural remedies for sex drive, go to Natural Remedies Center:

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