Bupleurum (Chai Hu, 柴胡) is one of the most important herbs in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). It is used to treat many diseases, such as cold, fever, chronic hepatitis, malaria, chest pain, irregular menstruation, uterine prolapse and rectal prolapse.

According to TCM, chai hu clears heat, smooths liver Qi, and promotes Yang. Modern studies have confirmed that chai hu has effects to treat chronic hepatitis, enlarged liver or spleen, chemical liver damage, liver stasis or liver congestion, depression and irregular menstruation. It increases protein synthesis in the liver, and reduces inflammation.

According to TCM, when Qi (especially liver Qi) is stagnated, it often causes fever, chest pain, chronic hepatitis, irregular menstruation, hot flush, anxiety, etc. bupleurum-for-coldIf this is the case, then bupleurum (chai hu) is the best herb for treating the symptoms by spreading the stagnant Qi, relieving the liver tension and reducing the heat. One of the most famous herbal formulas in TCM for treating these symptoms is Xiao Chai Hu Tang, which contains chai hu. Another formula Xiao Yao Wan also has chai hu.

Chai hu is not a tonic herb, but it is often used in tonifying the body. In TCM texts, chai hu is said to have effect to raise Yang. In other words, it has lifting properties, it moves Qi upwards. That is why it can cure uterine prolapse and rectal prolapse by lifting the prolapsed organs back to the normal positions. A well known herbal formula in TCM for treating organ prolapses is Bu Zhong Yi Qi Wan, in which chai hu is the key ingredient.

Please note:

1. Since chai hu has lifting properties, it should not be used for a person with high blood pressure.

2. Chai hu is a herb used for promoting Qi. It means that it has drying properties and should not be used for a person who has blood deficiency. When using chai hu to treat liver diseases, such as chronic hepatitis, if the person has blood deficiency, you should not use chai hu, or you must combine it with blood building herbs to balance it. Otherwise it can cause severe problems.

3. You should consult your doctor or a TCM doctor before using chai hu, especially for treating hepatitis.

For more information about natural remedies for liver disease, go to Natural Remedies Center: http://www.naturalremediescenter.com/treat/liver-disease/

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