Arrowroot is a large perennial herb. The name “arrowroot” is said to come from its use in treating poison arrow wounds. Native Americans believe that arrowroot draws out the poison if applied to the site of the injury.

In tribal medicine of native Americans, fresh rhizomes of arrowroot are used to treat arrow wounds, septic wounds, skin ulcers and insect bites, such as scorpion and black spider bites or snake bites.

How to use arrowroot for wounds, skin ulcers and insect bites

– A piece of fresh rhizomes of arrowrootarrowroot for-wounds
– Mash it to make a poultice
– Apply the poultice to the affected area
– This remedy is said to draw out the poison from the injured area

Please note, this remedy is used by the West Indians. Its real effects still need to be confirmed by modern studies. If you suffer from a serious wound, insect bites or snake bites, you should seek medical care immediately.

For more information about natural remedies for wounds, go to Natural Remedies Center:

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