Gotu Kola (Centella asiatica) is used in traditional Chinese medicine and Ayurvedic medicine for centuries for urinary tract infection (UTI), jaundice, bleeding, wounds, bruises, skin boils and other diseases.

Gotu Kola is a small annual herb in the family Mackinlayaceae. Gotu kola is about 2-4cm wide, and has kidney-shaped leaves.

Gotu Kola is a natural antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, antiulcerogenic, anxiolytic, nervine and vulnerary. It can be used to treat urinary tract infection (UTI) with the symptoms of pain and difficulty with urination. As a diuretic, gotu kola reduces heat in the urinary tract, increases urine output, and relieves urinary retention.gotu-kola

People also use gotu kola as a cooling and anti-inflammatory herb to treat hepatitis, jaundice and heat-stroke in summer.

Gotu Kola is used to treat bleedings, such as Hemoptysis, hematemesis, epistaxis and blood in urine. It is also used as a circulatory stimulant to treat circulation problems, such as blood clots in legs, blood stagnation caused by injuries, trauma and internal disorders.

When used externally, gotu kola is effective to stop bleeding in minor wounds and cuts. In animal and lab studies, researchers found that the chemicals triterpenoids in gotu kola help heal wounds and bruises by strengthening the skin, boosting antioxidants in wounds, and increasing blood supply to the area. Today people use gotu kola for skin care to prevent scars after surgery and use it to reduce stretch marks. A poultice made of gotu kola leaves can also treat skin boils and ulcers when applied to the affected area.

Formulas – How to use gotu kola

The following formulas are used in Chinese folk remedies:

1. Gotu kola and rock sugar for jaundice

– Fresh gotu kola 50g
– Rock sugar 50g
– Boil and simmer for 15 minutes
– Drink it, twice a day

2. Gotu kola for summer diarrhea and heat-stroke

– A handful fresh gotu kola leaves
– Wash with clean water
– Slowly chew the leaves

3. Gotu kola for sore throat

– Fresh goto kola leaves 100g
– Wash with clean water
– Smash the leaves in a bowl
– Pour a cup of boiling water over the smashed leaves
– Let it cool down
– Slowly drink it, 2-3 times a day

4. Gotu kola for injuries and bruises

– Fresh goto kola leaves 50g
– Wash with clean water
– Extract the juice
– Mix the juice with some wine
– Or boil and simmer the leaves with a cup of wine for 30 minutes
– Drink it, and apply the herb residue to the wounded area

5. Gotu kola for skin boils, ulcers, bleedings in wounds and cuts

– Fresh goto kola leaves 50-100g
– Wash with clean water
– Smash the leaves in a bowl to make a poultice
– Apply it to the affected area

6. Gotu kola for urinary tract infection and internal bleedings

– Fresh goto kola leaves 50-100g
– Wash with clean water
– Boil and simmer for 10 minutes
– Drink it, twice a day

7. Gotu kola for difficulty in urination

– Fresh goto kola leaves 50g
– Wash with clean water
– Smash the leaves in a bowl to make a poultice
– Apply it to the belly button
– Remove the poultice immediately after the symptom relieved

Today there are many gotu kola products sold as supplements. The dried leaves can be used to make a tea, and the powdered herb is available in capsules. There are also tincture and extract liquids in the market. Follow the instructions of the products when using it.

Please note, long-term or large dose use of gotu kola may damage the liver. Before using gotu kola, it is important to consult your doctor, especially when using for internal treatment.

Read more information about natural remedies for urinary tract infection.

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