Wet cough is the type of cough, in which, a lot of liquid or sputum is ejected. The exudates include mostly mucus, The mucus therefore serves a very important and vital role during a cough. Wet coughs are typical of infection form many pathogens like the flu or the common cold causing bacteria or viruses, the body senses these infective particles and starts the massive production of mucus in response. Since wet coughs involve the production of enormous amounts of mucus in the body and its ejection through the mouth, the medications must be able to thin or reduce the mucus, and make it easier to eject the mucus from the body and to eliminate the substances that it has trapped within it.

You can use essential oils to treat wet cough. An essential oil a concentrated, hydrophobic liquid containing volatile aroma compounds from plants. The essential oils of the eucalyptus or peppermint herbs can be found in a local grocery store or a health supplement store.

How to use essential oils to treat wet cough

1. Open the bottle of the essential oil, put it close to your nose, and take deep breaths of the sweet and uplifting aroma.

2. Put a drop of the oil to your finger, rub it to the area between your nose and mouth, and take deep breaths.

3. put a few drops of the oil to your chest.

4. Add a few drops of the oil to steaming and boiling water, take in big deep breaths of the steam.

The aroma of the oil can help open clogged sinuses, and clear out the respiratory passages, this inhalation can also greatly minimize bronchial spasms and painful contractions that can result during the cough.

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