
Treat » Chest » Page 3

Herbal Remedies: Yarrow for Fever, Cold, Flu & Wet Cough

Yarrow chest, head), yarrow cools down the temperature and dries up the fluids mainly through sweating. Yarrow opens the pores and encourages the body to sweat the fever out. This is why this is one of the best herbs for fever. When your body is trying to... [ Read More ]

Danggui Longhui Wan: Angelica Aloe Vera for Liver Gallbladder Disease

Danggui chest pain, abdominal pain and constipation due to the overheating (hyperfunctioning, inflammative) liver and gallbladder. Here is the formula of Danggui Longhui Wan: - Angelica (dang gui) 30 g; - Gentian 30 g; - Aloe vera 15 g; - Gardenia 30... [ Read More ]

Mustard Plaster: A Home Remedy for Common Cold with Runny Nose

Mustard chest congestion. Mustard plasters stimulate the immune system, relieve pain and also have an anti-inflammatory effect. A mustard plaster brings warmth and circulation to the chest. This helps to battle persistent coughs or bronchitis, offer... [ Read More ]

Scraping Therapy (Gua Sha) for Heat-Stroke - A Chinese Healing Technique

Scraping chest, back, head, shoulder or neck, then Gua Sha can be used to relieve the symptoms. Gua means "scrape" in Chinese, and Sha means "sandy red spots on skin". This scraping therapy is using a tool to scrape the skin to allow the toxins to escape... [ Read More ]

Traditional Medical System - Ayurveda: Body Types, Seasons and Dosha Balance

According chest region. The organs that belong to Kapha are the chest, lungs, and spinal fluid. People with kapha as their dosha type have the properties of earth and water. They are calm, have a solid body frame, and are susceptible to diabetes, obesity,... [ Read More ]

Eight Herbal Remedies Ease Asthma

Looking chest tightness, and coughing. There are many cures for treating this disorder. The following are eight herbal remedies for asthma cures: 1. Lobelia. Lobelia (Lobelia inflata), also called Indian tobacco, is a genus of flowering plants. It is both... [ Read More ]

Four Asthma Herbal Remedies - Ginger Tea Licorice and Ephedra

Asthma chest tightness and shortness of breath. When asthma attacks, the patient usually has a feeling of airflow obstruction, and bronchospasm. Asthma is a common disease. According to a report, 300 million people were affected worldwide in 2010, and... [ Read More ]

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