
Treat » Boils

Gotu Kola for Infection & wounds - Herbal Formulas

Gotu boils and other diseases. Gotu Kola is a small annual herb in the family Mackinlayaceae. Gotu kola is about 2-4cm wide, and has kidney-shaped leaves. Gotu Kola is a natural antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, antiulcerogenic,... [ Read More ]

How to Use Elder Lotion for Skin Care - European Remedies

Elder boils, skin inflammation and eczema, whiten and soften the skin, soothe irritable and itchy skin. - Fresh Elder flowers 300 grams (or dried flower 100 grams) - Water 2 cups - Alcohol 1 table spoon - Put the flowers and water in a pot - Bring to a... [ Read More ]

How to Eat Burdock - Food Therapy Recipes

Burdock boils. Burdock is a popular food in Asia. It is also a herbal medicine in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). According to TCM, burdock is a diuretic, diaphoretic, and a blood purifying agent. It has effects to expel wind-heat and treat the... [ Read More ]

Barberry for Diarrhea, Mouth Ulcer, Sore Throat, Red Eyes, Carbuncles and Boils

Barberry (Berberis) can used to treat diarrhea, mouth ulcer, sore throat, red eyes, carbuncles and boils. Barberry has been used in India, China, Egypt and other areas as a traditional medicine and remedy for thousands of years. People use it for treating diarrhea, reducing fever, improving appetite, and relieving upset stomach. In the point of... [ Read More ]

Ayurvedic Remedies: Udumbara for Wounds, Boils, Skin Ulcers, Edema, Mosquito & Insect Bites - Indian Herb

Udumbara (Ficus Racemosa) is used as an Ayurvedic Remedy to treat wounds, boils, skin ulcers, edema, mosquito and insect bites in India. Udumbara is astringent, anti-inflammatory, drying and cooling. It is said to have healing power in Ayurveda. How to Use Udumbara 1. Boil udumbara stem bark or leaves in water to make... [ Read More ]

Seaweed Mung Bean Soup for High Blood Pressure, Edema, Boils & Itchy Skin

Seaweed boils, phlegm heat cough, itchy skin and eczema. According to the traditional medicine and food guidelines, green mung bean has diuretic and cooling properties, seaweed (kelp) has cooling, hard-mass-softening and phlegm-eliminating properties. So... [ Read More ]

How to Eat Eggplant - Food Therapy for Constipation, Bowel Bleeding, Hemorrhoids, Boils, Carbuncle and Skin Sores

boils, carbuncle and skin sores. Why eggplant has effects to reduce inflammation and stop bleeding? This is due to its cooling properties - reducing the internal heat and cooling the blood. Recipe - Eggplant and Ground Pork Ingredients: -... [ Read More ]

Slippery Elm for Wounds, Boils, Abscesses, Acne, Ulcers, Scalds, Burns, Psoriasis, Swellings, Itchy Skin and Skin Inflammation - Native American Herb

Slippery boils, abscesses, acne, ulcers, scalds, burns, psoriasis, swellings, itchy skin and skin inflammation. Slippery elm is effective to reduce inflammation and pain. It has been approved as a safe demulcent substance by the FDA. Slippery elm can be... [ Read More ]

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