
Treat » Vaginal

Herbal Remedies: Barberry for Urinary Tract Infection and Nephritis

Barberry (Berberis) is used to help treat urinary tract infection, nephritis, vaginal discharge and metrorrhagia. Barberry contains a number of active substances, including berberine, berbamine, oxyacantha and tanines. Barberry is haemostatic, diuretic, vasodilator, hypertensive, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory, thus it... [ Read More ]

Home Remedies for Heavy Menstrual Bleeding and Uterine (Vaginal) Bleeding - Dark Plum Fruit and Brown Sugar

Dark Plum Fruit (Wu mei) can be used to treat heavy menstrual bleeding, uterine bleeding or vaginal bleeding, if the bleeding is caused by asthenic fever (fever due to weakness). Dark plum fruit has sour and astringent tastes. It has effects to reduce fever and stop bleedings. Here is the home remedy recipe of dark plum fruit and brown... [ Read More ]

Folk Remedies for Uterine (Vaginal) and Nose (Nasal) Bleedings - Pig's Feet and Black Wood Ear Fungus, Food Therapy

It is said that uterine bleeding ( vaginal bleeding) and nose bleeding (nasal bleeding) can be treated with pig's feet and black wood ear fungus. Pig's feet and black wood ear soup is a Chinese folk remedy and food therapy for treating bleedings. Here is the recipe: Ingredients: -... [ Read More ]

Lotus Seed for Chronic Diarrhea, Ejaculation, Gonorrhea and Polydipsia

Lotus vaginal bleeding. It also has mild effect to clear heat, calm nerves and relieve thirst. Lotus seeds can be eaten as nuts, or cooked in soup, or combined with ginseng and other herbs in medical formulas. Lotus seeds are most commonly sold in the... [ Read More ]

Mongolian Medicine for Irregular Menstruation, Menstrual Pain & Infertility - Nuangong Qiwei Wan

Nuangong vaginal discharge and menopause syndrome in women. The formula of this Mongolian medicine contains 7 ingredients: - Cardamom - Aspartame - Shou Zhang Shen (Rhizome of Conic Gymnadenia) - Chinese Eaglewood - Nutmeg - Huang Jing (Siberian... [ Read More ]

Oyster Shell for Hyperhidrosis, Night Sweats & Nocturnal Emission - Chinese Medicine

Oyster vaginal discharge. These disorders of fluid loss is due to leakage (caused by weakness) or excessive evaporation (caused by excessive internal heat). Oyster shell has effects to cool down the body, consolidate the exterior and strengthen the fluid... [ Read More ]

Garlic for Infection, Flu and Cold - Home Remedies

Garlic, vaginal yeast infections, use a garlic infusion to treat athlete's foot, or add garlic to an oil to treat middle ear infections. Garlic's natural antibiotic is effective against toxic bacteria, viruses, and fungus. The active component in garlic is... [ Read More ]
