Chamomile can be used for women for menstrual periods. Chamomile is widely used to treat gynecologic complaints as menstrual cramps, pain, morning sickness, migraine and sleep disorders related to premenstrual syndrome (PMS).

Chamomile is used as a “blood purifier” and general female tonic, and to prevent menstrual cramps and irregular periods. Chamomile contains coumarin, a naturally-occurring compound with anticoagulant (blood-thinning medication). That’s why it can be used for treatment of menstrual cramps. But in the other hand, chamomile may increase the risk of bleeding due to the blood-thinning effects. So women with bleeding disorders should not use it.

As a natural and home remedy, drink chamomile tea has been found to be beneficial in treating PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome) and Menstrual Cramps. Simply make a chamomile tea when or before you start noticing the symptoms.

Chamomile is considered generally safe, but you should still take precautions. Pregnant women should avoid chamomile, because chamomile has the potential to stimulate the uterus, may lead to miscarriage. If you are allergic to asters, daisies, chrysanthemums, or ragweed, you may not use chamomile. Chamomile may make asthma worse. And don’t drinking large amounts of chamomile tea, because it may cause vomiting.

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