Dandelion can be used as a skincare herbal remedy to treat acne. You can easily find dandelion in your backyard, because it is the most common weed in maintained turf.

Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) is a common weed. Its flower heads are yellow to orange coloured, and are open in the daytime but closed at night. The flower heads mature into spherical seed heads containing many single-seeded fruits called achenes. Each achene is attached to a pappus of fine hairs, which can be dispersed long distances by wind.

Dandelion contains vitamins A, B, C, and D, as well as minerals. It is used as food, in salad, soups, wine, and teas. The young leaves can be cooked as a vegetable: boiled in water, thoroughly drained, sprinkled with pepper and salt, making it a spinach-like dish. Or add it to a soup and serve hot.

Dandelion has a variety of medicinal properties, and it contains a wide number of pharmacologically active compounds, and has been used as a herbal remedy for thousand years. The herb is used for loss of appetite, upset stomach, intestinal gas, gallstones, joint pain, muscle aches, eczema, acne and bruises.

How to use dandelion to treat acne

Dig a handful of dandelions in your lawn, wash and boil them in 2 cups of water for 15 minutes. Then strain the liquid into a clean container.

Take the strained herbs and add 2 cups of new water, boil them again for 20 minutes.

Mix the two extracts.

Drink half of the decoction, once a day for two weeks.

To save your time, you can double the amount of the herb and water when making the decoction.

Please note, dandelion might cause allergic reactions when applied to the skin of sensitive people. People who are allergic to ragweed and related plants (daisies, chrysanthemums, marigolds) are likely to be allergic to dandelion. If you have allergies, be sure to check with your doctor before using dandelion.

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