Kiwifruit root (Actinidia chinensis) is said to help treat gastric cancer, esophageal cancer, colon cancer, liver cancer and breast cancer.

Kiwifruit Root Can Prevent and Treat Tumors and Cancers

According to traditional Chinese medicine guidelines, kiwifruit root has sweet, cooling and diuretic properties. It has effects of detoxification. The root expels wind and dampness, stops bleeding, and treats rheumatic pain.

Kiwifruit root has long been used as a herbal medicine to treat bruises, fractures swelling, arthritis, urinary tract stones, dysentery, cirrhosis, acute and chronic hepatitis, tuberculosis, prolactin, edema, fever, trouble thirst, blood swelling, pouring muddy, vaginal discharge, swollen boils scrofula, and so on.

Recent years, kiwifruit root has been used for treating jaundice, gastrointestinal cancer and other syndromes. Kiwifruit root can be used in gastrointestinal tumors, such as gastric cancer, esophageal cancer, colon cancer, and other tumors. Kiwifruit root has shown significant effects in prevention and treatment of gastrointestinal tumors and breast tumors.

Four Formulas of Kiwifruit Root and Kiwi Fruit for Cancer

Here are four kiwifruit root and kiwi fruit remedies for the cancers:

1. Gastric cancer and esophageal cancer:

– Fresh kiwifruit 60g
– Kiwifruit root 30g
– Scutellaria barbata (半枝莲) 30g
– Water 1-2 cups
– Boil them for 15 minutes to make a decoction
– Drink it once a day
– 30 days for a course of treatment

2. Esophageal cancer, gastric cancer, liver cancer and colon cancer

– Kiwifruit root 30g
– Lobelia chinensis (半边莲) 30g
– Scutellaria barbata (半枝莲) 30g
– Coix Seed (薏苡仁) 30g
– Ginger 4g
– Water 2 cups
– Boild them for 15 minutes to make a decoction
– Drink it, three times a day

3. Breast cancer

– Kiwifruit root 90g
– Water 3 cups
– Boil and simmer for more than 3 hours
– Drink it, three times a day
– 10-15 days for a course of treatment

4. Colon cancer with fever and thirst

– Eat 2 fresh kiwifruits
– Twice a day

Please note, a remedy might help in treatment of cancer, but you should consult your doctor first. Any remedies should not substitute for professional medical advice, treatment and medcine. Many people use herbal remedies as the last solution after their remaining lifetime were predicted by their doctors, who have tried their best and have nothing left to try. Some of patients are survived or extended their lives for years after they applied those last solutions.

Please note: Any articles on this website are only for informational and research purposes. You should first consult your physician before taking any natural remedies, health supplements, herbal medicines, food therapies or alternative cures discussed here for your health treatment. [More about Terms of Use ...]
