Hawthorn (Crataegus) is used to treat dysmenorrhea, irregular menstruation and other blood stasis in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM).

According to TCM, hawthorn is effective in promoting blood circulation, and relieve blood stasis. Blood stasis occurs when blood that flows through the body slows down or is blocked. TCM believes that dysmenorrhea can be caused by blood stasis. The symptoms of dysmenorrhea caused by blood stasis include:

– Premenstrual pain (abdominal pain occurs 1-2 days before menstruation) or menstrual pain (abdominal pain occurs in 1-2 days after starting menstruation).
– Once the blood passes through, the pain gradually decreased or disappeared.
– The color of blood is dark, accompanied by blood clots.

To treat these problems, TCM has the following formulas.

1. Hawthorn and brown sugar for premenstrual pain and menstrual pain

– Fresh hawthorn fruits 1000g
– Brown sugar 250g
– Boil hawthorn fruits in water, and simmer for 60 minutes
– Strain out, and add brown sugar to make a syrup
– Eat 30ml, twice a day in morning and evening for 3-5 days, starting at 3-5 days before menstruation.

2. Hawthorn, cinnamon and brown sugar for late menstruation and dysmenorrhea

– Hawthorn 10g
– Cinnamon 6g
– Brown sugar 2 teaspoons
– Boil hawthorn and cinnamon to make a decoction, and add brown sugar
– Drink it twice a day

3. Hawthorn, motherwort and brown sugar for postpartum blood stasis and lochia (postnatal bleeding)

– Hawthorn 50g
– Motherwort 50g
– Brown sugar 5 table spoons
– Boil hawthorn and cinnamon to make a decoction, and add brown sugar
– Eat 1-2 teaspoons, twice a day

Please note, according to TCM, women in pregnancy or having excessive menstrual bleeding should avoid taking hawthorn, which may cause miscarriage or increase bleeding due to its property of promoting blood circulation.

For more information about women’s remedies, go to Natural Remedies Center: http://www.naturalremediescenter.com/treat/remedies-for-women/

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