How to make Swedish Bitters? Is there a DIY Recipe? Swedish Bitters is made of herbal remedies: Angelica, Myrrh, Zedoary, Saffron, Aloe, Rhubarb, Senna, Manna and Theriac Venezian.

Swedish Bitters is an alcoholic tincture made of a blend of medicinal herbs. You can make this remedy at home if you have the herbs. Swedish bitters typically includes 11 herbs in alcohol. The following is a recipe.

1. Ingredients

– Angelica root 12g
– Myrrh 6g
– Zedoary root 12g
– Saffron 2g
– Aloe 12g
– Senna leaves 12g
– Rhubarb root 12g
– Camphor 9g
– Theriac venezian 12g
– Carline Thistle root 6g
– Manna 12g

2. DirectionsSwedish bitters

– Put the above herbs into a glass bottle (2 liter)

– Add 1.5 liter of 40% to 80% grain alcohol (or fruit spirit, such as Vodka, Rum, Sake, etc.). Let the herbs soak in the alcohol. Tighten the bottle cap

– Leave it for two month. If you want to speed the process, you can put the bottle in the sun and shake it daily, then you just need two weeks to make your Swedish bitters

– Strain and pour the liquid into another bottle. Store it in a cool place

– You can repeat the process by adding alcohol to the strained herbs to get second extract. And mix the two extracts – this is just an option.

3. Adjustment

The dosage of each ingredient can be adjusted according to the use.

Angelica root, myrrh, zedoary root, and saffron are blood-moving herbs. For treating blood stasis caused by injuries, wounds, bruises, bone fractures, menstrual cramps, cardiac disease, they can be added more.

Rhubarb root and senna are strong laxative herbs. For treating constipation, they can be added more.

Carline thistle has antiepileptic, antispasmodic, diuretic, and expectorant properties.

Manna has diaphoretic, diuretic, expectorant and laxative properties.

For treating liver and gallbladder inflammation, aloe, carline thistle, and angelica are important herbs.

To reduce internal heat, aloe, rhubarb root can be added more.

Camphor is toxic. You should be cautious when increasing the dosage.

4. Alcoholic Tincture vs. Water Decoction

If you want alcohol-free Swedish Bitters, you can use the above herbs to make a decoction with 2 cups of water. As you may know that, alcohol can stimulate blood circulation. An alcoholic tincture can help blood-moving if you have blood stasis problem. And an alcoholic tincture can be kept for years. If you have a decoction and want to keep it for a long time, you may need to add some sugar or honey to make it a syrup.

5. Where to find these herbs

Seven of the above 11 herbs can be find in a Chinese herb store. They are angelica, myrrh, zedoary, saffron, aloe, rhubarb and camphor. There are always a bunch of herb stores in any Chinatown. But you may have to translate the English names into Chinese characters, because they may not know the English names of the herbs! Other four herbs – Senna, theriac venezian, carline thistle root and manna – they are not traditional Chinese herbs, you need to find somewhere. You can search them on the Internet.

For more information about how to make a remedy, go to Natural Remedies Center:

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