
Treat » Coffee

Noni Help Treat Diabetes, Cancer & Cardiovascular Disease

Noni coffee family, Rubiaceae. It is native to the tropical regions of the Pacific Ocean. The fruit is eaten as food by Southeast Asians and Australian Aborigines. In Polynesian cultures, noni is also used as a dye and a medicine. What effects noni may... [ Read More ]

How to Use Chicory for Gallstones & Gallbladder Disease

Chicory coffee substitute. It is often added to coffee to reduce the bitter taste of caffeine, add the special flavor and counteract the effect of caffeine. As a herbal medicine, chicory has cleansing and cooling properties. It is a great remedy for... [ Read More ]

Seven Home Remedies for Asthma Treatment

Asthma coffee. Drink hot and strong coffee without sugar, milk or cream in it. 3. Hot tea. Drink hot and dark tea. 4. Lemon juice. Drink lemon juice. 5. Ice water. Drink one or two glasses of ice water. 6. Steam therapy. Stay in the bathroom, turn... [ Read More ]

Coffee - Renal Failure and Kidney Stone

Coffee may have some effects on renal failure and kidney stones. Can too much coffee and caffeine damage your kidneys and cause you to have kidney failure? Some doctors may say that, drinking too much coffee and soda will not cause kidney failure. Renal failure occurs for reasons such as genetic factors, infections,... [ Read More ]

Home Cellulite Remedies - Coffee Grinds Massage

Millions coffee grinds to massage the area can improve the skin appearance. - Mix the coffee grinds with some massage oil (olive oil is okay) - Apply to the affected area and gently massage it in a circular motion - Do it daily Drink Much Water Drinking a... [ Read More ]

Eight Herbal Remedies Ease Asthma

Looking for herbal remedies to relieve asthma? Lobelia, ephedra, mullein, chammomile, ginger, coffee, elderberry and hyssop can be used to treat asthma. Asthma is a disease that causes the airways of the lungs to swell and narrow. As a common chronic inflammatory disease of the airways, asthma is characterized by variable and recurring... [ Read More ]
