
Treat » Renal

Home Remedies: Baking Soda for Kidney Stone, Renal Inflammation, Urinary Tract and Bladder Infection

Baking soda (Sodium Bicarbonate) can be used as a home remedy for treating kidney stone, renal inflammation, urinary tract and bladder infection. Why baking soda can treat kidney stone? Because uric acid stones are related to high level acid in the urine, and baking soda makes the urine less acidic, which makes uric acid kidney stone... [ Read More ]

Tibetan Medicine: Myrobalan 10 for Kidney Stones & Urolithiasis

Myrobalan renal pelvis, ureter, bladder and other parts of the urinary system. Myrobalan 10 can be used to treat proteinuria and hematuria. Proteinuria is a condition characterized by the presence of an excess of serum proteins in the urine. And hematuria is... [ Read More ]

6 Herbal Remedies for Kidney Stones & Renal Infections

If you suffer from kidney stones or renal infections with urinary problems, you may want to try natural remedies. The following herbal remedies may help improve your symptoms and relieve the pains: 1. Plantain tea. Plantain is a strong diuretic for prostatitis, cloudy and bloody... [ Read More ]

Coffee - Renal Failure and Kidney Stone

Coffee may have some effects on renal failure and kidney stones. Can too much coffee and caffeine damage your kidneys and cause you to have kidney failure? Some doctors may say that, drinking too much coffee and soda will not cause kidney failure. Renal failure occurs for... [ Read More ]
