Ayurvedic diet can help treat hay fever / pollen allergies. Many people suffer from hay fever / pollen allergies in spring and early summer. While there are many drugs that can be effective, they all have side effects such as weakening of the immune system, drowsiness or nausea, etc. Ayurveda as a traditional science of life originated in India focuses on balancing doshas for health in the natural way.

According to Ayurveda, Hay fever can be caused by the increase of kapha or pitta: Kapha aggravation causes sneezing, constantly running nose with whitish mucus, wheezing, cough and heaviness or dullness of the body. Pitta aggravation causes itching and burning eyes, sinusitis, yellow nasal discharge, excessive thirst, skin rashes and fever.

To treat hay fever / pollen allergies, it is recommended to take the Ayurvedic diet for the dosha balance.

Ayurvedic Diet Plan 1: Kapha Friendly Diet for Hay Fever / Pollen Allergies

Kapha is a combination of water and earth. So kapha symptoms are “wet” and “heavy”. If you have symptoms of Kapha aggravation, you should choose the Ayurvedic diet plan 1: kapha friendly diet. What is kapha friendly diet? Generally speaking, you should avoid foods that increase “wet” (mucus) and “heavy” (congestion) in your body, and eat foods that reduce mucus and relieve congestion.

– Avoid cheese, yoghurt, ice cream and milk, which all produce kapha.

– Avoid sugary foods and sweet fruits, such as sugar, strawberries, raspberries, plums, bananas, cherries and melons, which increase kapha.

– Drink warming teas and coffee.

– Eat foods that have drying, warming and mucus-reducing properties. Ginger, garlic, turmeric, cumin and cinnamon are beneficial.

– Eat orange, potato, radish, peppers and onion.

– Try to eat more wheat than rice. Because wheat is drier than rice in properties.

Ayurvedic Diet Plan 1: Pitta Friendly Diet for Hay Fever / Pollen Allergies

Pitta is a combination of fire and water. So pitta symptoms are “hot” and “wet”. If you have symptoms of Pitta aggravation, you should choose the Ayurvedic diet plan 2: pitta friendly diet. What is pitta friendly diet? Generally speaking, you should avoid foods that increase “fire” and “wet”, and eat foods that cool down the “fire” and reduce excessive fluids in the body.

– Avoid caffeinated drinks.

– Avoid spicy, oily, and fried foods. Avoid or reduce eating chillies, onions, radishes, aubergine and most nuts.

– Drink cooling herbal teas using mint, basil, parsley and chamomile are beneficial.

– Eat pear, banana, strawberry, watermelon, bitter melon, leafy greens, tomato, carrots, etc.

– Milk, honey, white sugar are beneficial.

– Try to eat more rice than wheat. Rice is cooler than wheat in properties. And among rice species, white rice is cooler than brown rice.

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