“I have mouth odour, and people don’t want to talk to me”. “I am going to cut my relationship to my girl friend, because she has bad breath, a mouth bad smell problem”.

Bad Breath (Halitosis) is a condition that noticeably unpleasant odors exhaled in breathing through mouth. To check if you have a bad breath or mouth odour, you can simply use your hands to cover your mouth and nose, then take a deep breath. If you smell a bad odour, then you have halitosis.

What causes bad breath and mouth odour and how to treat it?

Bad breath and mouth odour is often caused by gum disease, dental problems and mouth ulcers. If this is the case, then you can use the following home remedies to treat it:

1. Use baking soda to change pH in your mouth

Baking soda neutralizes acids. It changes the pH level in your mouth, and make your mouth a less friendly environment for odor-causing bacteria. You can simply add some baking soda onto your toothbrush, brush with it, and then rinse with water. Or you can add 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda to a cup of water, and use it as a mouthwash.

2. Use anise seeds, cardamom, clove or peppermint to treat your gum disease

Anise seeds, cardamom, clove and peppermint can be used to treat gum disease and toothache. They are also used to remove mouth odour. You can simply chew some of Anise seeds, cardamom, clove or peppermint to treat the problem.

Bad breath and mouth odour also can be caused by stomach problems. According to the traditional Chinese medicine, when one has heat-damp in his stomach, one of the symptoms is mouth odour. If this is the case, then the treatment is to use cooling herbs to reduce heat in the stomach or use downwarding herbs to suppress (push back) the uprising Qi. The following home remedies can be used for the treatment:

3. Use baking soda, peppermint, green tea and pear to cool down your stomach

Baking soda, peppermint, green tea and pear all have cooling effects to reduce heat in the stomach, therefore can relieve the mouth odour caused by the stomach problems

4. Use orange or other citrus fruits to downward the uprising Qi

Orange and other citrus fruits have downwarding properties. They can guide (lead, direct) the uprising Qi from the stomach downward to intestines, therefore can relieve the mouth odour caused by the stomach problems.

For more information about natural remedies for toothache, go to Natural Remedies Center: http://www.naturalremediescenter.com/treat/toothache/

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