
Remedies » Mutton

Winter Remedies: Mutton Soup for Cold with Runny Nose, Chronic Bronchitis & Frequent Urination

Mutton mutton soup can help relieve the symptoms? Mutton has excellent warming properties. If you do not have "hot" disease, then this mutton soup is a good winter tonic to warm your body and expel coldness? How to make a Mutton Soup Ingredients: -... [ Read More ]

Anemia Remedies: Dong Quai Ginger Mutton Soup

Dong mutton (lamb) also has warming properties. Ginger warms upper body, and lamb warms lower body. So this combination is a strong, warming remedy for treating blood deficiency, weakness and coldness. How to make Dong Quai Ginger Mutton Soup: - Mutton... [ Read More ]

Ten Winter Remedies - Chicken, Mutton and More

In mutton soup. Both chicken and mutton have warming properties. They are ideal for chilly days. Red wine. Red wine contains resveratrol - an antioxidant that protects healthy cells from viruses and bacteria. Ginger, cinnamon, garlic, chili pepper,... [ Read More ]
