Watermelon (Water melon) is said to help treat nephritis, edema, high blood pressure, jaundice and diabetes.

Watermelon has moderate diuretic properties, which help cure kidney inflammation. Its protease can convert insoluble protein into soluble protein, providing the nutrition to the patients with nephritis, and reducing the symptoms of edema.

Watermelon also helps in reducing high blood pressure. Consuming this fruit on a regular basis could help keep high blood pressure at bay.

Eating watermelon increases urine output, helps pass stool. This lowers bilirubin levels, and is beneficial in the treatment of jaundice.

Is watermelon good for diabetes? Though watermelon is high in sugar, but it is a good source of Vitamins. It can satisfy your thirst and cool down the body. The cartenoids in watermelon is said to help lower high blood sugar levels. The vitamins B6, C and A are said to be beneficial for a diabetic patient. Try for your self, and consult your doctor.

Here is a Chinese folk formula for treating diabetes and cloudy urine:

– Dried watermelon rind 16g
– Dried winter melon rind 16g
– Dried Radix trichosanthis 12g

Make a decoction, drink twice a day.

Please note, do not eat watermelon too much in a short time. Watermelon is a cooling fruit. If you have a weak digestive system and internal coldness, you should avoid this fruit.

For more information about natural remedies for diabetes, go to Natural Remedies Center: http://www.naturalremediescenter.com/treat/diabetes/

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