black-walnut-tinctureBlack walnut hull tincture is well known for its anti-parasitic, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal effects. It can be used for treating intestinal parasites, fungus, such as ringworm, tinea cruris, psoriasis, tinea capitis, and athlete’s foot, lice, and Acne.

Black Walnut Tincture is easy to make. You can do it at home. Here is a recipe of how to make black walnut tincture:


– Green black walnut 1 lb.
– Grain alcohol 35%-85% (Vodka, Arak, Gin, or Rum) 750 ml.


– Wash walnuts
– Peel hulls from the shell
– Cut the hulls into small pieces
– Put hulls and alcohol in a large jar
– Tighten the cap
– Shake it every day
– Wait for at least 15 days, the longer, the better
– Strain the liquid, store it in bottles

How to use black walnut tincture:

Internal use:

– Take 15ml of liquid with water
– 2-3 times a day

External use:

– Rub the liquid to the affected area
– 2-3 times a day

Please note, if you are pregnant or suffer from breast feeding, do not take it internally. Consult your doctor before using it.

Read more information about natural remedies for intestinal parasites.

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