
Treat » Papaya

Food Therapy for Intestinal Parasites - Anti-Parasitic Diet: Caraway & Pomegranate

Food papaya, coconut, flax and carrot. 1. Garlic Garlic has been found to have effects against roundworm and other worms. Consuming two cloves of raw garlic daily can help to excel intestinal parasites. Here is a remedy using garlic to eliminate... [ Read More ]

Home Remedies for Acid Reflux and Heartburn - Apple, Papaya, Honey, Vinegar and Ginger

There are many home remedies that are said to relieve acid reflux and heartburn, such as apple, papaya, honey, vinegar and ginger. You may have them in your kitchen. You can try each one, and see which one is good for you. Because a remedy may work for someone, but may not work for others. Here is how to try the home remedies: 1. Eat an... [ Read More ]

Three Home Remedies for Acne

Looking for home remedies for acne treatment? Pear, lemon, seaweed, almond, vinegar and papaya can be used in skin care and help treat acne. Acne (Acne vulgaris) is a common human skin disease, mainly affects the skin of face. The symptoms include scaly red skin, blackheads, whiteheads, pinheads, pimples, and scarring. Acne effects... [ Read More ]

Six Natural Remedies Help Joint Pain

Joint Pain can be treated with natural Remedies such as wine, ginger, papaya and Glucosamine. Joint Pain affects one or more joints. It affects a lot of people around the world. Whether it is severe or mild, it can have a serious impact on the quality of people’s lives. Joint Pain can be caused due to various... [ Read More ]
