
Treat » Plantain

Plantain treats Kidney Stones and Urinary Problems

Plantain plantain in inflammation of the skin, malignant ulcers, intermittent fever, lung and intestine problems, such as wet cough , dysentery, etc. Why plantain can be used to treat so many diseases? This is because that plantain has diuretic,... [ Read More ]

Dandelion, Plantain & Daisy for Eye Infections - Herbal Remedies

Eye Infections are caused by bacterial, viral, or other microbiological agents. Symptoms of eye infections may include redness, itching, swelling, discharge, pain, or minor to major problems with vision. The following is a list of some eye... [ Read More ]

6 Herbal Remedies for Kidney Stones & Renal Infections

If plantain, it can be very strong diuretic medicine for kidney stones and urinary problems. 3. Mung bean. Green Mung bean possesses detoxicant, heat dispersing, diuretic, and hypolipemic properties. In Asian countries, people use mung bean soup as... [ Read More ]

Herbal Remedies Plantain for Prostatitis, Cloudy and Bloody Urine

Plantain plantain alone, or in combination with dandelion (another common 'weed' that can be found anywhere by roadsides or in backyards), can improve and relieve the symptoms. To prepare a plantain tea, add a handful of the herb into 4 cups of water, boil... [ Read More ]

6 Natural Remedies for Bladder and Urinary Tract Infection

Bladder plantain). This is a common weed that you may find in your backyard. Plantago is astringent, anti-toxic, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, anti-histamine, and a strong diuretic. Decoction made from plantain can reduce inflammation in bladder and... [ Read More ]
