Looking for footcare remedies for foot sweat and foot odor? Radish (Daikon) can be used as home remedies for the treatment.

Do you fight foot sweat and foot odor? Have you ever been embarrassed to take off your shoes because of your stinky feet? Radish (Daikon) can be used as a home remedy to treat sweaty feet and smelly feet.

Foot odor is a type of body odor that affects the feet. It has an unpleasant smell. Foot odor is mainly caused by foot sweat. A normal foot has more than 250,000 sweat glands, which can produce more than a pint of sweat daily.

People who suffer from plantar hyperhidrosis are more likely to have bad foot odor, athlete’s foot, blisters, and fungal infections of the toenails, etc. Excessive sweating can be caused on by stress and emotions. If you often suffer from excessive foot sweat and foot odor, it may be caused by the imbalance of “Doshas” or “Qi”, or caused by a disease.

Radish is an edible root vegetable. Fresh radish has a strong, pungent taste. The pungency (hotness) of the radish varies from mild to very strong.

Daikon, or white radish is a very large and mild-flavoured radish with white skin. It is a common food in East Asian. Daikon is often used in Chinese remedies for treatment of diarrhea, bronchitis, colds and coughs. It is also used externally for treating foot sweat and foot odor.

How to Use Radish (Daikon) for Foot Sweat and Foot Odor

How to use radish (daikon) to make a home remedy for treating foot sweat and foot odor? Here is the recipe:

– Fresh radish or daikon 200-500 grams;
– Cut radish into small pieces;
– Boil it in water for 10-15 minutes;
– Pour the decoction into a wash pan;
– Wash your feet in the warm decoction for 30 minutes;
– Apply it every night before going to bed.

It is said to cure foot sweat and foot odor after using this foot care therapy for 2 weeks.

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