Virechana is an Ayurvedic therapy that can be used to treat hyperacidity, colitis, peptic disease, abdominal tumors, jaundice, hemorrhoids, acne, dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema, fever, haematemesis, epistaxis and rhinitis.

Virechana is a purgation therapy. It is the procedure of removing the pitta toxins from the body. The basic method is to use laxatives to clear and eliminate the toxins from the small intestine and the organs. In Ayurveda, pitta is “fire” dosha. When pitta is excessive, the body has “fire” or “over-heated” symptoms: bleedings, skin rashes, burning eyes, fever, etc. Virechana (Therapeutic Purgation) is helpful to remove toxins from the small intestine, liver and gall bladder.

The procedure of Virechana therapy


– The therapy can be taken in the hours around noon and midnight.
– Before starting Virechana therapy, a massage therapy or sweat therapy may be given to the patient.
– And a light and warm diet can be given to the patient before at least 2 hours starting Virechana therapy.
– Then followed by good rest.
– Virechana is carried by giving the patient laxatives which induce purgation.
– The patient should not eat food during Virechana. But if the patient is too weak, a restricted diet can be given after the laxatives are consumed by the patient.
– After taking the laxatives, the patient feels the need to move bowels in several hours.
– The patient may have four to ten bowel movements. The stool is solid at first, but progressively becomes soften until it is entirely liquid.
– The patient may drink some of water or salt water after each bowel movement to prevent dehydration.
– After Virechana, the patient should stay warm, relaxed and avoid cold drinks or cold baths.
– After the therapy, a special diet should be given in the following days to allow the digestive system to regain its normal strength.

Laxatives used in Virechana therapy

The following herbs or foods can be used in Virechana therapy as laxatives/purgatives:

– Senna leaves
– Prunes
– Flaxseeds
– Dandelion root
– Psyllium seeds
– Milk
– Castor oil
– Triphala

The laxatives/purgatives can be in forms of herbal teas or pills.

Factors should be considered

Which laxative should be giving to the patient? When performing Virechana therapy, body and mind constitution and other factors should be considered.

People with dominant pitta, or have frequent bowel movements with loose stools, should be given mild laxatives. People who have Kaphic constitution with slow bowels and heavy, sticky stools should be given a stronger laxative. People with vata dominant conditions have dry, hard stools and constipation should be given castor oil.

Virechana therapy should not be used on infants, elderly and pregnant women.

Even with the similar symptoms mentioned above, but if your disease is not caused by excess pitta, you should not use Virechana therapy.

Please note, Virechana therapy should be performed under the guidance and supervision of a qualified Ayurvedic doctor.

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