
Remedies » Honey

Onions Should Not Be Eaten with Honey, Kelp, Fish or Shrimp Together

Onion honey Onions should not be eaten with honey together, because they are two kinds of foods that interfere with each other. After they are eaten together, they will have a variety of adverse effects on human eyes, which will reduce vision and be... [ Read More ]

Facial Mask Recipes: Turmeric, Milk, Almond Oil, Coconut oil, Honey, Gram Flour and Oatmeal - DIY Skin Care

Turmeric honey, gram flour or oatmeal flour. The following are two facial mask recipes. Recipe 1 for dry skin - Turmeric powder 1 teaspoon - Milk (or almond oil, or coconut oil, or honey) 1-2 tablespoons - Mix them well to make a paste - Apply it to your... [ Read More ]

Hiccup Remedies: How to Stop Hiccups (Hiccoughs) with Water, Sugar and Honey

Hiccups honey. Or add a teaspoon of sugar or honey in 1/2 cup of warm water, and drink it. Please note, if the hiccups still continue after applied the above remedies, then you may need to see a doctor. For information about natural remedies for... [ Read More ]

Frostbite Remedies: Pine Nut, Cactus, Eggplant, Orange Peel, Honey and Lard - Homemade Winter Remedies

How to treat frostbite with home remedies? You can try the following homemade remedies. 1. Pine Nut - Shelled Pine nuts 30g - Olive oil (or other vegetable oil) 1 teaspoon - Smash pine nuts and mix them with the oil to make a paste - Apply the... [ Read More ]

How to Lighten and Whiten Skin with Lemon, Almond, Honey and Aloe - DIY Lightening Recipe for Tanned Skin and Dark Spots

How to lighten and whiten your dark skin? You may want to try a homemade remedy with lemon, almond, honey and aloe. This recipe is said to lighten, brighten and whiten skin, and get rid of the tan and spots. "My skin gets tanned very fast even with little exposure to sun. Is there a secret remedy to remove the skin tan?" "I have a brown spot on... [ Read More ]

Home Remedies: How to Make Garlic Honey Syrup for Cough and Cold - DIY Recipes

How to treat cough and cold with home remedies? You can make a garlic honey syrup for the treatment. Here is a DIY recipe: Ingredients: - Garlic 8 Cloves - Honey 1/2 cup - Lemon 1/2 - Water 1/2 cup Directions: - Peel garlic cloves - Put the garlic into a blender or food processor to make a paste, or cut into very... [ Read More ]

How to Make Lemon Honey Syrup for Coughs - Homemade Cough Remedies DIY Recipes

Do you know how to make lemon honey syrup for treating coughs? It is easy. You can make your homemade cough remedy using lemon juice and honey. Here is DIY recipe: Ingredients: - Lemon 2 - Honey 1/2 cup - Water 1/2 cup Preparation: - Cut lemons in two parts - squeeze the... [ Read More ]

How to Make Onion Honey Syrup for Cough and Bronchitis - Home Remedies DIY Recipes

Onion honey to make a syrup, store it in a container, leave for 5-6 hours, then you can use it for the treatment. Take 1 teaspoon (children 1/4-1/2 teaspoon), 3-5 times a day. Another simple way to make a syrup is that: you do not have to extract the... [ Read More ]

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